Opus RSE on national television

Opus RSE has been part of the documentary " The asphalt jungle" broadcasted by the first national TV channel in Spain. 


Comando actualidad - "Jungla de asfalto"


The documentary analyzes the new restrictions to the circulation of diesel vehicles in Barcelona and Madrid, which are causing a commotion in the citizens, who now do not know how much longer they will be able to drive their vehicles.

The car is the most important investment of Spanish families, only behind the house. Thousands of families are currently considering what car to buy and how to move around in their city.

The documentary shows one of the RSDs placed in Madrid within the LIFE GYSTRA program, which is measuring the emissions of motor vehicles in the Spanish capital for 2 years.


Each of these devices is placed on the road and, in a matter of a few minutes, begins to measure the exhaust emissions of all vehicles that pass in front of the device autonomously.

In the TV show, broadcasted in prime time, the importance of measuring the real emissions of all vehicles is explained, so as not to continue implementing generalist policies or policies based on theoretical information, which can harm citizens enormously. Highly polluting vehicles can be diesel, petrol, cars or motorcycles. One must have real information in order to legislate.


LIFE GYSTRA and Opus' remote sensing technology make it possible to know the real emissions of the vehicles and provide information that can be easily interpreted by public administrations. Thanks o this, they can regulate traffic in the most efficient and least costly way for the citizen's pocketbook.


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Opus RSE

Gaztambide, 45

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Phone: (+34) 91 559 28 68


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